Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blog #4- inclined plane, wedge, screw

There are three simple machines I'm going to talk about and that's the inclined plane, wedge, and the screw. The inclined plane is a slop surface and it makes work easier by going up or down into smaller more conferable incriminates. The load would be the person walking down/up and the effort would be the legs. Then theres the wedge which is two inclined planes back to back and it makes work eaiser by breaking jobs into smaller parts. The effort would be the knife or the object cutting into the load or the object thats getting the cutting. The screw is a inclined plan wrapped around a cylinder. The effort would be the screwdriver and the load would be what the screw is going into.


  1. Claire, I love your drawings my favorite would have to be the guy with the saurai sword or however you spell that and the apple.

  2. Very nice pictures and explanations. I love how colorful it is too.

  3. Nice "effort"! It must have taken lots of "effort" to create this poster.
